The Anansi Group for Public Affairs
+1 518 620 7456
Republicans Wage War on Poor

Rep. Ellen Troxclair (R-Burnett) has introduced HB 350 (also known as the "Keep Working Texans Poor Bill") which seeks to ban guaranteed income programs in Texas, claiming they are unconstitutional and foster dependency. This argument misrepresents both the purpose and the proven benefits of these initiatives.

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Guaranteed income programs are transformative tools designed to combat systemic poverty and economic inequality. They provide financial stability, enabling individuals to invest in education, secure better employment, and contribute more meaningfully to their communities and the broader economy.

Critics argue these programs encourage dependency, but this ignores the reality: financial security empowers people to build self-sufficiency, not abandon it. Programs like Harris County's Uplift Harris, which offered $500 monthly payments to low-income residents, were blocked by legal challenges from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's actions that reflect a broader conservative agenda to undermine efforts supporting working families.

Let us be clear: Conservatives' opposition to guaranteed income programs isn’t about fiscal responsibility; it’s about preserving a status quo that favors the ultra-wealthy. Progressives, on the other hand, believe in uplifting communities by addressing the root causes of economic disparity. By providing unconditional support, guaranteed income programs give individuals the chance to break free from the cycle of poverty, make better life choices, and stimulate local economies.

The oft-quoted adage, “Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day; teach a man to fish, and he’ll eat for a lifetime” underscores a critical point: most people, when given even a small boost, will use it to improve their circumstances. Progressives trust in the resilience and potential of individuals when provided relief from everyday struggles. In stark contrast, conservative policies often suggest that financial relief should be reserved only for the ultra-rich -- those who need it the least.

The fight for guaranteed income programs isn’t just about economics; it’s about justice. These programs are investments in human potential, and it’s time to prioritize people over profits. Texans deserve leadership that champions their ability to thrive, not policies that keep them perpetually struggling.

Please call or email your legislator and tell him/her to vote NO on HB 530, a bill that would ban municipalities from implementing guaranteed income programs.

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